SEIS raw data, Insight Mission

© David Ducros / IPGP

Basic Network Information

FDSN Network code
XB (2016-2022)
Network name
SEIS InSight Mission Data
Start year
End year
InSight Mars SEIS Data Service
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The NASA InSight mission deployed onto Mars' surface the SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure) instrument shortly after its landing on November, 26, 2018; a six-axes seismometer equipped with both a long-period three-axes Very Broad Band (VBB) instrument and a three-axes short-period (SP) instrument.

These six sensors will cover a broad range of the seismic bandwidth, from 0.01 Hz to 50 Hz, with possible extension to longer periods. Data are transmitted in the form of continuous VBB and SP components and are augmented by requested event data with higher sampling rate.

SEIS will improve upon the existing resolution of Viking's Mars seismic monitoring by a factor of ~2500 at 1 Hz and ~200000 at 0.1 Hz.

Contrary to Viking, the seismometer has been deployed via a robotic arm directly onto Mars' surface and is protected against temperature and wind by highly efficient thermal and wind shielding.

Very low noise has therefore been obtained, especially during the night by the VBB instrument.

These data consist of all SEIS data, including the House Keeping data requested to monitor the instrument health.

Data Citation and Acknowledgements

SEIS data must be cited (see citation and DOI below) and their use acknowledged as indicated below. In addition the SEIS experiment paper (Lognonné et al., 2019) shall be used as primary reference for the instrument description as well as other SEIS team papers used by the user for the analysis. For a collection of SEIS papers, see Banerdt and Russel, 2017 and Banerdt and Russel, 2019.

CC BY 4.0
InSight Mars SEIS Data Service. (2019). SEIS raw data, Insight Mission. IPGP, JPL, CNES, ETHZ, ICL, MPS, ISAE-Supaero, LPG, MFSC.
In addition, the following sentence must be also provided to acknowledge the SEIS operators:
"We acknowledge NASA, CNES, their partner agencies and Institutions (UKSA, SSO, DLR, JPL, IPGP-CNRS, ETHZ, IC, MPS-MPG) and the flight operations team at JPL, SISMOC, MSDS, IRIS-DMC and PDS for providing SEED SEIS data.”
Related references
Description of the SEIS experiment:
Lognonné P., Banerdt W.B., Giardini D., Pike W.T., Christensen U. and al. Space Sci Rev (2019) 215: 12.
Series of InSight papers:
W.B.Banerdt and C.T.Russel, The InSight mission to Mars, 211, 2017 (series of 25 articles
W.B.Banerdt and C.T Russel, The InSight mission to Mars II, 2019 (series of 26 articles

Data Access

Data collected
Data formats
FDSN SEED data, FDSN stationxml for metadata
Data size
1 station and 100-250 Mb per day
Data description
Data available from
IPGP Data Center:

The IRIS Data Management Center (IRISDMC):

Planetary Data System Geoscience node

Stations in XB Network

Station Site name Description Latitude* Longitude* Start End
ELYSE Elysium Planitia, Mars - Scientific data Scientific data from final configuration 4.502384 135.623447 2018-12-20T00:00:00 2023-12-31T23:59:59
ELYHK Elysium Planitia, Mars - Housekeeping data HK data from final configuration 4.502384 135.623447 2018-12-20T00:00:00 2023-12-31T23:59:59
ELYS0 Elysium Planitia, Mars - Scientific data Scientific data from postlanding before instrument deployment 4.502384 135.623447 2018-11-26T01:00:00 2018-12-20T00:00:00
ELYH0 Elysium Planitia, Mars - Housekeeping data HK data from postlanding before instrument deployment 4.502384 135.623447 2018-11-26T01:00:00 2018-12-20T00:00:00
* Mars 2000 IAU reference frame